Monday, August 11, 2014

Writing Effective Headlines

Yesterday I started the "Quick Tips" segment of the website.

This month's theme is all about headlines.


Because, as you've heard everywhere, all the time - the money is in the list!!

Writing effective headlines has nothing to do with boring old high school English class. It has to do with feelings.

Excitement, frustration, anticipation, you want to write headlines that evoke emotions in your prospective customers and clients.

Although its a really basic and easy task, sometimes we need a little nudge to come up with "something new."

Its rather like cleaning or paying taxes. If you run a business, sooner or later you are going to have to write a headline - or pay someone else to do it for you. Might as well give it the ole college try!

Headlines have to do three things:

First, they have to engage your reader in a few simple words. If you don't grab their attention with the headline, you'll never get a sale. They must want to read further.

Second, you want to spark an emotion - the stronger the better - in everyone that sees your headline.

Lastly, you need to give an idea of the content of the rest of your piece. Just a hint - again to spark the imagination. 

 August's quick tips are simply suggestions for possible headline wording to spark your imagination and get you rolling to create your ads, blog posts, article titles, emails and so on.

So, go ahead and set up a few emails at an ad exchange, head over to the forums with your offer, create your blog or get yourself an auto-responder and give it a go!

You'll be glad you did...

Many Blessings,

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